We recently built (and made freely available) an RSS feed for the Greek e-procurement platform. Today (just a few days later!) we were informed about the first (heavy!) user of it: UltraCl@rity (or ΥπερΔιαύγεια in Greek).
UltraCl@rity is a search engine indexing all the documents published through the Cl@rity project (Διαύγεια – Greek Open Government Data). It was created because Cl@rity (and now eprocurement.gov.gr as well) do not provide adequate search functions despite the fact that they are both a great start towards transparency in public expenditure.
Using the DEiXTo generated RSS feed for the tenders published on the Greek e-procurement platform, UltraCl@rity now provides full text search on this data as well.
We are very glad to contribute to the UltraCl@rity project and we thank them for acknowledging DEiXTo’s contribution. In case you can read Greek text, you can check UltraCl@rity’s blog post: ΥπερΔιαύγεια και στο Μητρώο Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων (ΚΗΜΔΗΣ) eprocurement.gov.gr